ConvergX ® Trademark
WHERE industry lines disappear
The Consumer Technology Association (CONVERGX)® is the owner of the CONVERGX name, trademarks and logos (collectively, the “CONVERGX Marks”). The CONVERGX Marks are valuable assets that CONVERGX needs to protect.
Current CONVERGX exhibitors and press covering the show may use the mark under the terms outlined below. The CONVERGX logo and name can be used in your communications about the show, however, you must properly use and credit the CONVERGX Marks in accordance with our guidelines.
Guidelines for Third-Party Usage of CONVERGX Trademarks
Terms of Use: Thank you for being a CONVERGX exhibitor, press or exhibiting press. CONVERGX grants you non-transferable, limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable permission to use the CONVERGX Marks solely in connection with the current CONVERGX show, at which you are exhibiting or covering via a recognized press outlet. You agree to use the CONVERGX Marks in accordance with these guidelines.
Trademark Symbols: You must use the ® symbol with any written appearance of the “CONVERGX” mark on advertisements, promotional materials and webpages. Include acknowledgment of CONVERGX’s ownership of the CONVERGX Marks in the credit notice section of your document or advertisement. Example – “CONVERGX® is a registered trademark of ConvergXCon15 Inc.”
Proper Brand Use: Since CONVERGX is recognized as a global event, CONVERGX no longer uses “International” in the event name or logo. The official name of the global technology event is “CONVERGX®.” If you choose to reference the year when referring to CONVERGX, it should come after the event. Example – “CONVERGX 2020.” For information about proper use of CONVERGX logos and logotypes please review the CONVERGX Brand Book.
Permissible Use: You may generally use CONVERGX Marks to refer to your participation (official exhibitors) or press coverage in CONVERGX. For instance, a current exhibitor can promote in advertisements that they are participating officially in CONVERGX.
Relationship of Products or Services: On advertising and other collateral, you may not imply that your product, service or event is produced or endorsed by CONVERGX unless you in engage in a specific contract with CONVERGX that allows you to do so.
Prohibited Use:
· Do not modify or alter the CONVERGX Marks.
· You may not use the CONVERGX Marks in a way that confuses CONVERGX with another brand, or in a way that indicates an endorsement, sponsorship or association with or by CONVERGX.
· Do not use CONVERGX Marks or potentially confusing variations in your Internet domain name or social media accounts
· You must be a current CONVERGX exhibitor/partner contracted with CONVERGX for event space or services.
Quality Control: If CONVERGX determines that you are not using the CONVERGX Marks in compliance with these guidelines, CONVERGX may notify you and provide you an opportunity to fix any non-conformity. CONVERGX reserves the right to disallow any exhibitor from using the CONVERGX Marks.

ConvergX® is produced by WaVv, whose focus is on horizontal commercialized technology transfer between industries